Construction Site Development
Why do I need an inspection from Site Development?
If you are applying for a construction (building) permit or planning for future construction (land use permit) that involves ground disturbance or tree or vegetation removal, advance inspection of your site by DWM’s Site Development team may be required. The Site Development team reviews and inspects site development applications for construction projects using drainage reviewers, geotechnical engineers, site development engineers, environmental specialists and site development inspectors.
What does Site Development look for in an inspection?
This team evaluates construction projects for compliance with building, environmental and drainage codes, and assists both land use and code enforcement staff with site issues, and provides site review for short plats, Master Use Permits, complaints and violations.
Contact Us
To contact Site Development about potential projects and or site development plan review and approval call 404-330-6249. Contact Environmental and Construction Enforcement for site inspection requests and or complaints related to construction activity at 404-546-1305.
Site Development Forms
Procedures For Preliminary Plat Review And Final Subdivision Plat Approval
Riparian Buffer Authorized Encroachment
Riparian Buffer Authorized Encroachment Certification Of Public Notice
Stormwater Management Facility Agreement- Required Documents
Stormwater Management Facility Inspection And Maintenance – Indemnification Agreement
Submittal Requirements Commercial Multi-family And Subdivision
Submittal Requirements Single Family Residential
Floodplain Encroachment Agreement
Site Development Section of the Department of Watershed Management reviews hydrology reports along with site development plans. All hydrology reports should be submitted to Site Development. All sewer studies when requested in writing by the capacity certification team should be submitted to the capacity certification team is located on the 5th floor of the Department of Watershed Management’s 72 Marietta Street Offices.

What is Sewer Capacity Certification?
Sewer Capacity Certification is a process where every new development which will require connection of its sanitary sewer service to the City of Atlanta’s sewer system is reviewed to determine whether or not there is adequate capacity in the sewer system to convey the new sewage flow from the proposed development to the serving water reclamation center (WRC).
Who Should Apply?
Everyone proposing a new development within the city limits of Atlanta whose development will be served by the City of Atlanta’s sanitary sewer system should apply. There are certain developments which may not require capacity certification. Sewer capacity certification analysts from the city of Atlanta’s Department of Watershed Management will determine whether or not your proposed development needs sewer capacity certification review when you apply.
Does it Cost Money to Apply?
A Capacity Certification Fee is required by the City of Atlanta. All fees are paid at the end of the review process when the building permit is being drawn.
– The flat rate for single family residential and commercial flows less than 2,500 gallons per day (GPD) is $600.
– The flat rate for commercial permits for flows of 2,500 gpd or greater is $1,500. Additional fees for permits in capacity limited basins, requiring Capacity Certification analyses may apply as follows:
Flat rate for analysis of proposed options (upon request of applicant) is $2,245.
How Do I Determine Sewage Flowrate from My Proposed Development?
Please see the City of Atlanta’s Standard Sewage Flowrates for determining the sewage flowrate from your proposed development.
If the total flowrate from your proposed development is less than 2,500 gallons per day (GPD), your sewer capacity certification application will be accepted and processed.
If the total sewage flowrate from your proposed development is 2,500 GPD or higher, a hydraulic analysis report by a state of Georgia licensed Professional Engineer may be required prior to processing the sewer capacity certification application.
Please refer to the Hydraulic Analysis Process section of this guideline.
Where Will I Get More Information?
For more information on sewer capacity certification contact call (404) 546-3342.
Sewer Capacity Certification Forms
Capacity Certification Application
Guidelines for Measuring Average Hourly Sanitary Sewer Flowrates In Existing Sewers
Our Address
Department of Watershed Management Administrative Offices
72 Marietta Street NE
Mon-Fri – 8:15 am to 5:00 pm
City Directory
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