Stormwater Roadshow Open House
The City of Atlanta Department of Watershed Management
invites you to attend one of the upcoming
Stormwater Roadshow Open House.
invites you to attend one of the upcoming
Stormwater Roadshow Open House.

The Department of Watershed Management is conducting a stormwater education and outreach program throughout the City. We plan to hold eight interactive open house events from May through September. Each event will target a different watershed in the hopes of gathering watershed-specific information about stormwater. The Department wants to hear directly from the residents, businesses, and organizations in each watershed about stormwater issues, including new or recurring stormwater issues and solutions for the future.
Although each meeting targets a specific watershed, stakeholders from anywhere are welcome to attend any meeting, regardless of event location or where they live.
There will be nine (9) Stormwater Roadshow Open Houses:
- Utoy Creek & Camp Creek – Thursday May 30
- Upper Peachtree Creek – June 20
- Nancy Creek & Long Island Creek – Thursday, July, 11
- South River – Tuesday, July 30
- Proctor Creek, Sandy Creek, & Baker’s Ferry Creek – Thursday, August 8
- Intrenchment Creek, Sugar Creek, & Doolittle Creek – Tuesday, August 20
- Lower Peachtree Creek – Tuesday, September 10
- Citywide at DWM Headquarters – Tuesday, October 1
- Utoy & Camp Creeks – Wednesday, November 6, 5:30-7:00pm, Andrew & Walter Young YMCA
Each event has three goals:
- Listening – Gather feedback from participants regarding new and recurring stormwater issues, the Department’s plans and projects, and the community’s priorities.
- Education – The events will offer multiple methods to learn about stormwater, explore the impacts and challenges of stormwater, and interact with DWM staff.
- Information – There will be variety of information and resources regarding stormwater in Atlanta, including plans and current and future projects.
Each event will begin with a short presentation outlining DWM’s stormwater plans, projects, and initiatives as well as the direction DWM is headed. The presentation will be followed by an interactive open house with multiple tables. The tables will have a variety of information ranging from very basic information about stormwater and watersheds, to technical details of Green Infrastructure practices, to ongoing and future stormwater management projects. The DWM stormwater team and community partners will be on hand to discuss current and future programs, and listen to the community’s goal, priorities, and feedback.
Each table will have an online survey designed to gather feedback from participants regarding the topic of that table. These surveys are linked with QR codes and unique internet URLs. A separate survey about stormwater will be available to participants to complete in paper form or online. This survey is also available on-line at the following link: Stormwater Roadshow Customer Survey. If you prefer, please print, complete and mail a paper copy of this survey to DWM.
For more information about the next Stormwater Roadshow Session, please contact Todd Gleaton, Public Information Officer at 404-884-5190 or email
Roadshow Recaps
Recap: Upper Peachtree Creek – June 20
Recap: Nancy Creek & Long Island Creek – July 11
Recap: South River – July 30
Recap: Intrenchment, Doolittle, & Sugar Creeks – August 20
Links to Information about Stormwater in Atlanta
City of Atlanta Stormwater Program Information
Stormwater and the City of Atlanta Presentation
Stormwater Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Post-Development Stormwater Management Ordinance
Erosion & Sediment Control (Environmental and Construction Enforcement)
Want to visually learn more about stormwater? View the City’s Stormwater story map here.
Green Infrastructure
DWM Green Infrastructure webpage
Green Infrastructure Guide
Green Infrastructure Story Map
Green Infrastructure in Atlanta: A Self-Guided Tour
Green Infrastructure Design Challenge
City Code of Ordinances
Post-Development Stormwater Management Ordinance
Erosion & Sediment Control (Environmental and Construction Enforcement)
Floodplain Management
Tree Protection
Plans Impacting Stormwater Management
Watershed Improvement Plans (WIPs)
Green Infrastructure Strategic Action Plan
Stormwater Master Plan
Stormwater Master Plan: Priority Setting Survey
Water Equity Task Force
Stormwater Asset Management and Capital Improvements Programs
Department Capital Improvement Program
MOST Project List
Low-Income and Senior Citizen Discount Program
Adopt-a-Drain Program and Public Service Announcement (PSA)
EPD’s Adopt-a-Stream Program
Our Address
Department of Watershed Management Administrative Offices
72 Marietta Street NE
Mon-Fri – 8:15 am to 5:00 pm
City Directory
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