Upcoming DWM-PMST Projects 2023
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Doing Business with The City
The City of Atlanta Department of Procurement is responsible for facilitating the procurement of commodities and services for all City Departments, City Council, and the Mayor’s Office. You can get more general information on doing business with the City of Atlanta here https://procurement.atlantaga.gov/.
Equal Opportunity
The Department of Watershed Management is fully committed to the City’s Equal Business Opportunity Program goals. We seek diversity in every aspect of our infrastructure improvements program. Firms seeking sub-consultant, sub-contractor or joint venture partner opportunities are encouraged to contact potential prime contractors and/or the City of Atlanta’s Office of Contract Compliance at 404-330-6010.
The City of Atlanta actively promotes full and equal business opportunities for minority and female business enterprises through the City of Atlanta’s Equal Business Opportunity (EBO) and Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Programs. The Minority/Female Business Enterprise (M/FBE) Register will help you locate minority-owned and female-owned firms certified by the Office of Contract Compliance for participation in the EBO Program
The following link will direct you to the M/FBE Certification Process and the M/FBECertified Business Register.
Our Address
Department of Watershed Management Administrative Offices
72 Marietta Street NE
Mon-Fri – 8:15 am to 5:00 pm
City Directory
Need to contact another city department?